Sunday 12 April 2015

In my life, I have encountered many friendships. 

This one is a special kind of friendship. 

The kind of friendship when she treats you like you are no ordinary. She is extraordinary. The kind of friendship when she wants your kids to be best friends from they are born. She is friends for life. The kind of friendship when you know she is not going to judge you. She is more than a soul mate. The kind of friendship when you do not feel obliged to do anything. She understands. The kind of friendship when you are comfortable with her seeing you pants-less. She is awesome. The kind of friendship when you can lie on the bed during the day you decide as your me-time yet you are totally okay having her around eating your food or reading your book or looking at your stuff. She can be a wallflower. The kind of friendship when she calls you to make sure you are safe. She is, however, a clingy (and mostly caring) wallflower. The kind of friendship when she just understands, without you saying anything. She just knows. The kind of friendship when she gets excited at the prospect of eating what you bake despite its ugly look. She is great. The kind of friendship when she actually eats what you bake despite your complaints of its imperfect texture and taste. She is the best. The kind of friendship when she partially screams "kenapa kau makin cantik" at you after days of not seeing her. She sees herself in you. The kind of friendship when she feeds you food when you come to her and feeling all lazy, complaining that you are hungry. She loves you. The kind of friendship when you just feel comforted by just hugging her. She does not have to say a word.

This one is by far, my favourite. 

She is a silent beauty. She is insecure. She is however, the one who inspires you, motivates you, hugs you, lectures you for not eating or things as such, takes care of you and comes to you when she wants to. She is a friend. She is kind. In your own distinct and special ways, like her to me, be a friend to someone.

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