Friday 24 April 2015

I watched another play the other day- one I am studying for A2: Othello. 

The things that I love to observe when watching a play is the setting and how the props are being used. The Shakespeare Demystified production team used a minimalist approach. Basically, they used six blocks and some few other props. But it was simple. The costumes were fully white for everyone except for Othello who was distinctively costumed in black. From the beginning to the end of the play; I like how Iago was the one who moved and arranged these six blocks. It effectively reinforced Iago's role as the dominant shaker of the plot. He was explicitly and implicitly depicted as the man of action. 

It was particularly prevalent and most imminent when Othello had an epileptic fit in the middle of a circle of blocks arranged by Iago. It depicted the trap Iago had set up to bring Othello towards a breakdown. I found it menacing. Personally, it left an impact to me as an audience.

I also like how Desdemona's portrayal was brighter and to an extent, had more depth than the Desdemona that I am acquainted with from my mere reading and analysis in class. The willow song she sang was also (as Shamine has pointed out and I could not agree more) haunting- it gave me the chills.

It was a good theatrical experience. Despite everything (I was a bit under the weather), it was a good night. It just helps when you have a good company :)

A company who took this picture for me. 

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